Jonathan Mann是早期防治艾滋病毒的一个关键人物。他辞去在世卫组织的职务,以抗议联合国对艾滋病缺乏反应,以及当时世界卫生组织总干事中岛宏(日本人)的行为。Jonathan Mann的防治艾滋病工作,他与中岛宏的冲突及其冲突对世卫组织艾滋病防治工作的影响已作为前线PBS纪录片 “艾滋病的岁月”
的一部分。在曼的任期内,艾滋病项目成为世卫组织历史上最大单一项目。他是一个强调全球应对危机需要的关键人物。(译自 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)已故世界卫生组织(WHO)艾滋病主任博士Dr. Jonathan Mann曾充满智慧地说“超过一个医疗科学问题,艾滋病是一件强加于人的社会政治事件。”Dr. Jonathan Mann及其妻子Mary Lou Clements-Mann (HIV/AIDS研究者)不幸死于 1998年9月2日 赴欧洲艾滋病大会的瑞士航空111航班(从New York City到瑞士日内瓦)。此次空难造成包括夫妻在内共229人遇难!!此次空难是否又一个“卡桑德拉大桥”事件?? 3严禁销毁H1N1甲流疫苗
在查清H1N1甲流疫苗真相之前,严禁任何人以任何名义销毁H1N1甲流疫苗。这次组织近1亿儿童强化注射麻疹疫苗,因为库存容量有限,有可能正好借这个机会,将以前库存的甲流疫苗回收销毁。如果就此销毁,那想查清楚H1N1甲流疫苗,将增加许多难度!!! 4甲流疫苗病毒性潜伏期为2年 根据《 盎格鲁·撒克逊使命》[The Anglo-Saxon Mission] [注1]、《生存?还是毁灭?—美国欲灭中国的绝密K计划(第二版)》、《2030,美国肢解中国》[戴旭自己也说过,学术无禁区,宣传有纪律。危机已迫在眉睫!!],2.0版认为甲流疫苗(实际上是一种恶性病毒)潜伏期为一年,实际上也可能是9个月~3年不等,如果是2年的话,则与The Anglo-Saxon Mission分析高度吻合!!!H1N1甲流疫苗[实际为某种恶性病毒]的潜伏期为2年,这种可能性最大。 5彻底撕掉世卫画皮 两份调查报告彻底撕掉世卫画皮。世卫就是戴着画皮装扮成天使的魔鬼,装扮成天使的魔鬼比青面缭牙的魔鬼更可怕一万倍!!!!!! 欧洲议会委员会大会社会、卫生、家庭事务委员会[The Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)]的社会事务委员Paul Flynn,他是英国国会议员。 3月23日 ,在欧洲议会的总部法国斯特拉斯堡,Paul Flynn以备忘录[Memorandum]的形式发表一份编号为AS/Soc (2010) 12报告“The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed”。 [注2] 世界权威医学期刊《英国医学杂志》[注3]于 2010年6月3日 ,发布了由《英国医学杂志》与“新闻调查团” [注4]所作的联合调查报告。调查报告题名为“世卫组织与流感大流行“阴谋”” [WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”] [注5]。《英国医学杂志》并将调查内容制成视频,放置其网站上,此视频同时出现在半岛电视台和英国老牌报纸〈卫报〉的网站上[url=[font][font[/url]=宋体]。《英国医学杂志》主编Fiona Godlee菲奥娜·戈德利,于 2010年6月3日 同期,发表社论文章“利益冲突与流感大流行”[Conflicts of interest and pandemic flu],以示对此问题高度重视。
在《英国医学杂志》发表调查报告的第4天,既 2010年6月7日 ,欧洲议会委员会大会社会、卫生、家庭事务委员会[The Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)]的社会事务委员Paul Flynn,以编号为Doc. 12283正式文件的官方名义,发布了“The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency
needed” [注6]。 6月7日 版本较3月27日版本更详细更系统。
这两份调查报告震动了西方主流媒体,美国的美国广播公司[ABC]都为此在 2010年6月5日 ,发表了一篇解释辩护性文章[World Health Organization Scientists Linked to Swine Flu Vaccine Makers-Investigation Raises Questions About WHO's Handling of H1N1 Pandemic]。 2010年6月8日 ,世卫组织不得不对此进行辩护。 以下是两份调查报告的部分摘要。因时间紧迫,没有全文翻译,有可能遗漏一些有价值的重点,容有时间,再加以补充完善。 5.1世卫、欧盟、各成员国处理方式
2010年6月7日 公布了调查报告文件。该调查报告说“欧洲议会感到震惊的是,H1N1流感大流行的处理方式,不仅包括世界卫生组织(世卫组织),而且还有卫生主管机构的欧洲联盟一级和欧洲各国家一级。特别让人不安的是,采取的决定及给出的建议,导致了整个欧洲的公共卫生服务优先次序被打乱、巨额公共资金浪费、整个欧洲公众所面对的毫无道理的健康(疫情)风险恐慌和担忧这些后果。”The Parliamentary Assembly is alarmed about the way in which the H1N1 influenza pandemic has been handled, not only by the World Health Organization (WHO) but also by the competent health authorities at the level of the European Union and at national level. It is particularly troubled by some of the consequences of decisions taken and advice given leading to distortion of priorities of public health services across Europe , waste of large sums of public money and also unjustified scares and fears about health risks faced by the European public at large. [见The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed 6月7日 版本] 作者: 枕剑书生 时间: 2010-9-18 09:57
5.2 身份匿名、利益联系没有公开披露
向对世卫组织起关键决定性作用的紧急委员会的16人身份保持匿名,并且他们与制药业的利益联系没有公开披露。尽管《英国医学杂志》/新闻调查团一再要求世卫组织公开信息,但世卫组织没有提供任何关于相关专家利益冲突细节。16人紧急委员会来自八个国家,澳大利亚,加拿大,智利,日本,墨西哥,西班牙,英国,美国。只有主席是公开身份,他是John MacKenzie教授。《英国医学期刊》/新闻调查团可以证实:Arnold Monto[阿诺德芒托]博士,美国密歇根大学公共卫生学院[the University of Michigan School of Public Health] ;John Wood[约恩伍德]博士,英国生物标准和控制研究所 [the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control in the U.K.];Masato Tashiro博士,东京的世卫组织合作流感监测和研究中心主任[the WHO collaborating center for surveillance and research on influenza];这三人都是紧急委员会成员。
5.3 修改定义、夸大病例、新闻造假
另一项助长阴谋论因素是危机沟通方式。没有人质疑不明朗情况下沟通或大流行危机形式下沟通的困难。但一个世界级危机沟通专家,Gerd Gigerenzer,德国马克斯普朗克研究所自适应行为与认知中心主管主任,告诉英国医学杂志/新闻调查局:“问题不在于沟通不确定性是困难的,而是不沟通才具有不确定性。世卫组织估计有20亿疑似H1N1病例,没有科学依据。我们对疫苗接种的好处和危害知道很少。世界卫生组织坚持20亿疑似H1N1病例这个估计,即使在澳大利亚和新西兰冬季后显示,1000人只有一到两个人感染[H1N1]。最后但并非最不重要的,它改变了大流行的确切定义。“ Another factor that has fuelled the conspiracy theories is the manner in which risk has been communicated. No one disputes the difficulty of communicating an uncertain situation or the concept of risk in a pandemic situation. But one world expert in risk communication, Gerd Gigerenzer, director of the Centre for Adaptive Behaviour and Cognition at the Max Planck Institute in Germany, told the BMJ/The Bureau: “The problem is not so much that communicating uncertainty is difficult, but that uncertainty was not communicated. There was no scientific basis for the WHO’s estimate of 2 billion for likely H1N1 cases, and we knew little about the benefits and harms of the vaccination. The WHO maintained this 2 billion estimate even after the winter season in Australia and New Zealand showed that only about one to two out of 1000 people were infected. Last but not least, it changed the very definition of a pandemic.” [WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”]
在英国,卫生部最初宣布,可以预料约65 000人死亡。在此期间,2010年开始,这一估计被降级为只有1 000人死亡。到2010年1月,不到5000人被登记为H1N1流感患者,只有360人死于H1N1流感。在2010年3月,报告人有机会会见Gillian Merron,国家公共卫生部长,以讨论国家一级如何处理H1N1流感病毒,并获悉,一个独立的内部调查由内阁办公室正在进行,结果将在2010年6月以后报告。 In the United Kingdom , the Department of Health initially announced that around 65 000 deaths were to be expected. In the meantime, by the start of 2010, this estimate was downgraded to only 1 000 fatalities.
By January 2010, fewer than 5 000 persons had been registered as having caught the disease and about 360 deaths had been noted. In March 2010, the rapporteur had the occasion to meet with Gillian Merron, Minister of State for Public Health, in order to discuss the handling of the H1N1 influenza at national level, and was informed that an independent internal investigation by the Cabinet Office was underway, the results
of which would be reported after June 2010.[
注2,见The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed 3月23日 版本]
一些科学界成员开始担心,当世卫组织迅速转向[宣布]大流行6级水平时候,实际上流感大流行呈现出相对温和症状。刚好在H1N1流感大流行声明被高度关切之前,大流行级别定义改变。由沃尔夫冈医生,流行病学家和德国的前国会议员,在 2010年1月26日 听证会强调,目前大流行宣布可能只是通过改变大流行定义,降低其申报门槛造成。A number of members of the scientific community became concerned when WHO rapidly moved towards pandemic level 6 at a time when the influenza presented relatively mild symptoms. This combined with the change in the definition of pandemic levels just before the declaration of the H1N1 pandemic heightened concerns. As Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, German epidemiologist and former member of the Assembly, highlighted at the public hearing on 26 January 2010, the declaration of the current pandemic was only made possible by changing the definition of a pandemic and by lowering the threshold for its declaration. [见The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed 6月7日 版本]
“Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response: A WHO Guidance Document” (new title) was updated in May 2009. Notwithstanding these assertions, there is clear evidence that changes were made and that, most importantly, the former criteria of ‘impact and severity’ of an epidemic in terms of the number of infections and deaths was no longer considered relevant in the updated document24. In other words, the pandemic could be declared without the need to show that it was likely to be severe in terms of its impact on the population (for example regarding severity of illness and death). The definition before 4 May 2009 was worded as follows: “An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness. With the increase in global transport, as well as urbanization and overcrowded conditions, epidemics due the new influenza virus are likely to quickly take hold around the world”, whilst the same definition became the following on WHO’s website after this date: “A disease epidemic occurs when there are more cases of that disease than normal. A pandemic is a worldwide epidemic of a disease. An influenza pandemic may occur when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity …. Pandemics can be either mild or severe in the illness and death they cause, and the severity of a pandemic can change over the course of that pandemic”.Shortly afterwards, WHO spokeswoman Nathalie Boudou justified the change by saying that the “old” definition was in “error” and had been removed from the WHO website. She stated that the correct definition was that a "pandemic indicated outbreaks in at least two of the regions into which WHO divides the world, but has nothing to do with the severity of the illnesses or the number of deaths”.25 These subsequent definitions and comments presented at a time when the pandemic was imminent were confusing for both public health professionals involved and attentive observers amongst the European public at large. [见The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed 6月7日 版本]
世卫组织继续断言,大流行基本定义从未改变。只是大流行警戒级别描述修改,在“流感大流行性的防备和反应:世卫组织指导文件”(新名称)文件在2009年5月更新。尽管这些说法,但有明确证据表明,确实改变了,而且最重要的是,以前关于流行病标准的“影响及严重程度在感染及死亡人数方面,并没有在2009年5月更新文件中考虑。换句话说,宣布大流行疫情可以不考虑严重程度(例如致病及死亡数量)。该定义在2009年4月之前,措辞如下:“流感大流行发生时,会出现一个新流感病毒,人类完全没有免疫力,导致世界范围流行,产生巨量的致病及死亡数量。随着全球运输增加,以及城市化和拥挤条件下,由于新流感病毒可能会迅速传播世界各地导致大流行瘟疫”,然而5月4日之后在世卫组织网站同样定义变成这样:“一个疾病流行,当这种疾病病例比正常更多时。流感大流行将可能发生,当一个新流感病毒出现而人类完全没有免疫力...。大流行可以是温和的也可能是严重的在造成疾病和死亡方面,大流行严重程度可以改变在大流行其间。[去掉产生巨量的致病及死亡数量这一最最关键标准!!!!!!] 不久之后,世卫组织发言人Nathalie Boudou辩解说,“旧”的定义是“错误”,并且已经被删除从世卫组织网站上。她说,正确的定义是,“大流行,至少在世卫组织划分的世界两个地区,但和疾病或死亡的数量无关”。以后的定义及大流行要暴发前说出现的评论使欧洲相关公众健康专业人员和细心观察家困惑不解。WHO continues to assert that the basic definition of a pandemic was never changed. Only the description of pandemic alert levels was revised when the document “Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response: A WHO Guidance Document” (new title) was updated in May 2009. Notwithstanding these assertions, there is clear evidence that changes were made and that, most importantly, the former criteria of ‘impact and severity’ of an epidemic in terms of the number of infections and deaths was no longer considered relevant in the updated document24. In other words, the pandemic could be declared without the need to show that it was likely to be severe in terms of its impact on the population (for example regarding severity of illness and death). The definition before 4 May 2009 was worded as follows: “An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness. With the increase in global transport, as well as urbanization and overcrowded conditions, epidemics due the new influenza virus are likely to quickly take hold around the world”, whilst the same definition became the following on WHO’s website after this date: “A disease epidemic occurs when there are more cases of that disease than normal. A pandemic is a worldwide epidemic of a disease. An influenza pandemic may occur when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity …. Pandemics can be either mild or severe in the illness and death they cause, and the severity of a pandemic can change over the course of that pandemic”.Shortly afterwards, WHO spokeswoman Nathalie Boudou justified the change by saying that the “old” definition was in “error” and had been removed from the WHO website. She stated that the correct definition was that a "pandemic indicated outbreaks in at least two of the regions into which WHO divides the world, but has nothing to do with the severity of the illnesses or the number of deaths”.25 These subsequent definitions and comments presented at a time when the pandemic was imminent were confusing for both public health professionals involved and attentive observers amongst the European public at large. [见The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed 6月7日版本]作者: 枕剑书生 时间: 2010-9-18 10:00
沃达格说:“在我们眼前,其实只有轻微的流感和一场造假的疫情。此次欧洲议会行动推动者是沃尔夫岗·沃达格,前任德国联邦议院的社会民主党议员,现任欧洲议会卫生委员会主席。他认为目前的所谓“大流行病”是“最大的世纪医药丑闻”。决议文本经由足够多欧洲议会成员通过,其中有这样的陈述:“制药公司为了推广它们治疗感冒的专利药品和疫苗,向负责公共卫生的科学家和政府官员施加影响,向全世界的政府发出警报,迫使它们把有限的医药卫生资源浪费在无效的疫苗上,把千百万健康的人们暴露在无人知晓的疫苗副作用的风险面前。那些疫苗并未经充分检验,而且接种疫苗是毫无必要的。2005-06年的‘禽流感’和当前的‘猪流感’一起,已经造成的巨大的伤害,不仅涉及由于接种疫苗而致病的人,不仅浪费了公共卫生资金,还破坏了重要的国际卫生机构的公信度”。[《H1N1的惊天大骗局(2.0版)》4.2 欧洲议会将调查世卫组织及“大流行病警报”丑闻]
以下是《World Health Organization Scientists Linked to Swine Flu Vaccine Makers Investigation Raises Questions About WHO's Handling of H1N1 Pandemic》 TODD NEALE, MedPage Today June 5, 2010 ... 10829940&page=1的读者回应!!WOW, 哇,不开玩笑!这是从一开始就很明显的药品销售活动。我看到,有些人跑去诊所打疫苗,另一方面有很多人并没有去跑去诊所打疫苗。何时媒体(美国广播公司<哥伦比亚广播公司<美国全国广播公司等)会去调查这一切?我想,当它们不被公司、官方、制药公司拥有。我想这将永远不会有!NO KIDDING!!! This was so obvious from the beginning it was a pharmaceutical inspired sales campaign. I saw it from the get go as many others who did not go running to the local clinic to get a vaccine. When will the media (ABC< CBS< NBC etc)
get on the case right away and investigate these things? I guess when they are not owned by the corporations, govt, and the pharmaceutical companies. I guess that will be NEVER! [Posted by:Eddi333 Jun-6]
5.4 1999年开始计划
2004年出版,由此产生的报告,该报告建议储存抗病毒药物,主要作者,在夏洛茨维尔的弗吉尼亚大学Frederick Hayden博士。他被证实由罗氏公司支付报酬来参加演讲及咨询,当该报告产生和出版发行时。
从4.4[1999年开始计划]中可知,推动这一计划的幕后主导力量,是总部设在瑞士的罗氏(Roche)公司,而罗氏公司又与美国的情报机构有密切关系。世界医药巨头Roche 瑞士罗氏(始创于1896年)有90%可能性能掌握在犹太人罗斯柴尔德家族后代;瑞士以金融制药等著称于世,是犹太人的重要领地,而罗氏总部设立于瑞士[瑞士另一家医药巨头,诺华制药也可能掌握在犹太人手中,目前还缺乏更多证据,停留在设想阶段];罗氏的第一个发音和罗斯柴尔德 Rothschild的第一个发音相同;公司的标志上有一个六角形,犹太人标志之一就是大卫六角星;更重要的是,它和后来担任布什政府国防部长的拉姆斯菲尔德关系十分密切[美国上层被犹太控制已有很多文章揭露,在此不多述]。非典、禽流感、和猪流感的特效药都是一个药物—Tamiflu(特敏福,达菲),达菲曾一度由罗氏(Roche)制药集团独家生产和销售。但专利掌握在美国加州吉利德科学公司(Gilead Sciences) 手中,罗氏公司需要向吉列德科技公司支付专利使用费,约占售价的五分之一。吉利德于1987年成立,拥有达菲1996至2016年二十年的专利权。从1988年到2001年,拉姆斯菲尔德(Donald Rumsfeld)一直在该公司董事会任职。1997至2001年间,为吉利德的董事会主席,直至2001年他从政后辞去了公司职务,加入布什(和石油财团洛克菲勒家族关系密却)政府担任国防部长一职。拉姆斯菲尔德还曾是美国最核心最重要的智库—兰德公司主任。
5.6 两个日本人
世卫组织总干事长陈冯富珍的[H1N1甲型]流感大流行的特别顾问是福田敬二博士[Mr Keiji Fukuda,Special Advisor on Pandemic Influenza to the Director General
注2,见The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed 3月23日 版本]。2009年5月,澳大利亚病毒专家吉布兹(Adrian Gibbs)在一份即将公布的报告中声称,甲型H1N1流感病毒源自实验室,而非大自然,甚至很有可能是故意制造出来的。就是福田敬二怀着不可告人的目的,出面为此辩护!!!!!!并且16人紧急委员会已经可以确定有一名日本人,既Masato Tashiro博士,东京的世卫组织合作流感监测和研究中心主任[the WHO collaborating center for surveillance and research on influenza],很可能还有另一名日本人,因为16人紧急委员会来自澳大利亚,加拿大,智利,日本,墨西哥,西班牙,英国,美国共八个国家。福田敬二(Mr Keiji Fukuda)及正人田代(Masato Tashiro),在这场世纪大骗局起什么作用,大家也是有目共睹。这一点非常可怕,美国深知要对付中国,单打独斗不行,一定要拉上日本等国一起来对付中国。
世卫组织总干事陈冯富珍 8月10日 宣布甲型H1N1流感大流行结束。“世界不再处于流感大流行第六级警告级别阶段。我们正在步入(大流感)后流行时期。” 陈冯富珍说,但“新的H1N1流感病毒正在大规模发展。”去年6月11日,世界卫生组织决定将甲型H1N1流感大流行警戒级别提升至最高的第六级,意味着宣布“甲流”进入全球大流行阶段。这是世卫组织四十余年来第一次宣告流感出现全球大暴发。北京大学免疫学系 王月丹 博士,在其搜狐博客《WHO终于认输了——欢迎世卫组织承认H1N1甲型流感大流行结束了》中说:美国在生化武器的研制方面,远远领先于我国,其将不同的流感病毒片段进行拼接的技术,用于减毒疫苗的研制,完全可以用于生产流感病毒武器,比我们一直恐慌的自然界中的猪流感和禽流感病毒的基因重组,要可靠和稳定的多,而且可以人为控制,一旦付诸使用,我们根本无法防御。
[注1] 以下是与本文相关的The Anglo-Saxon Mission ( 盎格鲁·撒克逊使命)部分,其全文请搜索相关网站。
There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. Our source believes that this is on track to be initiated within the next 18-24 months. 那是一场有计划的第三次世界大战,它将是核武和生物武器。我们的情报提供人士认为它将在未来的18-24个月的轨道里开始。(注 此计划于2010年2月被披露,18-24个月即2011年8月~2012年2月。中国H1N1甲流疫苗临床试验采取单中心、随机双盲对照设计,于2009年7月22日在北京市怀柔区启动。现场接种工作于8月15日顺利完成,共有1614名3岁以上的受试者完成疫苗接种及0、14和21天的血样采集,中国药品生物制品检定所完成了全部血清的血凝抑制抗体(HI抗体)检测。中国于2009年11月初开始大规模甲流疫苗接种工作。H1N1的惊天大骗局(2.0版)认为甲流疫苗(实际上是一种恶性病毒)潜伏期为一年,实际上也可能是9个月~3年不等,如果是2年的话,则与盎格鲁·撒克逊使命的分析高度吻合!!!)
It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran . Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos - all carefully engineered. ( 计划是从以色列对伊朗的打击开始。伊朗或中国将被挑衅而引发核武反应。经过简短的核交流,将会有停火。世界将陷入恐惧和混乱里--所有这些都被精心设计好了。)
The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that. ( 极端的紧张状态将被用来作为借口和理由,在所有西方第一世界国家里进行沉重的社会和军事控制。计划已经在这个地方准备就绪。)
During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, " China will catch a cold". Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened. ( 在核停火期间,是有计划的生物武器的秘密释放。起初 ,这些目标针对的是中国人。我们的情报提供人令人心寒地告诉我们,“中国将感冒”(China will catch a cold")。生物战将会进一步扩散到西部。基础设施将被严重削弱。(潜伏期2年时间已到,恶性病毒[以甲流疫苗的名义注射入近1亿人体内]开始发作!!!)
This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the "real" war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting. (
“The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed”
[注3] 《英国医学杂志》创刊于1840年,每星期出版临床研究、国际等4个版本,印刷版本有10万个订户,每月有100万以上的网络用户。除英语外,《英国医学杂志》还在13个地区用中文、希腊文、葡萄牙文、罗马尼亚文、西班牙文、土耳其文发行出版。
[注4] 新闻调查局[The Bureau of Investigative Journalism]是由一群记者支持的英国非赢利机构。它注册为一个私人的,有限的担保,无股本公司。成立目的,是为了鼓励独立认真的调查、并鼓励新一代的记者[英国新闻媒体不能或不愿从事新闻调查]。总部设在伦敦。主要创始人之一,是大卫波特,投资了200万英镑。新闻调查局,策划于2009年,正式成立于2010年4月。From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia。
[注6] ... Doc10/EDOC12283.htm